Seireki13ya – Aster Asterism (Color Coded Lyrics)
“Please, don’t forget that you always have me.”
Continue“Please, don’t forget that you always have me.”
Continue“Feelings mixed, dissolving in each other, like chocolate allowed only for me.”
Continue“Like a toy tossed away once they’ve had their fill of playing, like an unfinished tower of blocks that gets demolished, so does my heart tighten in my chest.”
Continue“I just wanna be different.”
Continue“I’m going to say something I wouldn’t normally say: I’m risking my life for this place, and I hope you’ll risk yours with me.”
Continue“This is a promise. With a big love, let’s draw a dream.”
Continue“Hey, why was I born, and why do I choose a life full of pain?”
Continue“The world is ugly, but creates a false image of ultimate wisdom and beauty, yet the child mentality doesn’t allow me to stop challenging the ever-distorting spiral.”
Continue“Give me your heart,
Because it belongs to me.”
“We live to shout this all over the world”