codomomental bulletin #18

Through the growing heaviness in my body and the daily feelings of guilt, rethinking everything over and over again, I finally made the decision to move on.
I imagined different possibilities, but I chose the one that suited me – a future that reeks of happiness and stimulation.
I am very excited.
I will do my best to keep you excited as well🧑🏻🚀
I hope you will give me a warm welcome…

With these words Ama Mauru announced St.404 (SAINT ERROR), her new group that she will produce together with codomomental. One day after the announcement, she held a live stream where she and Nobuhide Imamura revealed a lot of interesting details about the upcoming group.

First of all, Mauru reveals that she hasn’t done anything this year, although she says that she’s a big workaholic and almost doesn’t need to rest. After announcing her departure from Seireki13ya, she first expressed her desire to stay in codomomental and try her hand in a creative direction. Nobuhide Imamura then entrusted her with some work on louplull, the company’s new group, but it turned out that Mauru’s contribution to the group was very insignificant: she only helped with the visual part (especially costumes) and choreography, and also performed with the group a few times as a support act.

So why did it take so long to decide to form the group? The fact is that Mauru felt guilty towards Komochi. She knew how difficult it had been for Komochi to remain the only member of the group, and she thought she would be hurting her if she joined another group after all that.

At the same time, Mauru was actively thinking about what she wanted to do in the future, but feelings of guilt prevented her from taking any concrete steps in that direction. Nobuhide Imamura, on the other hand, had been waiting all this time for the girl to make a decision on her own, as he is convinced that members of codomomental groups should decide their own future. At the end of the summer, Mauru finally told the director of her decision. However, she was still unable to tell Komochi and was slow to take active steps.

The turning point was Nobuhide Imamura’s birthday event a month ago: despite Tokanai Nonno’s absence, Mauru gave a brilliant performance as part of the akugi. In addition, that day was the first performance of the new “Seireki” lineup that Mauru had directly observed. And the director thought it was time to move forward. He decided to hurry her up and instructed her to quickly come up with a name for the new group and what the group visual should look like. Mauru successfully accomplished this, and finally made sure that she enjoyed being a creative director. However, she didn’t manage to tell Komochi about it until the announcement. But when Komochi found out, she was very excited.

So you’re starting something new, congratulations, and thank you, Mauru✨✨✨✨
I’m so happy that you can start happily doing what you want to do, I can’t wait to see it!!!! Love you~~~ I’m looking forward to it!!!!

From Nene Komochi’s Twitter.

According to Mauru, she also considered quitting this kind of activity and going back to her normal life as an option. Still, there are a lot of difficulties in this kind of work, which she had already fully experienced in “Seireki”. In addition, she had a quite complicated character.

I had a hard time. I was constantly fighting against my overly serious and picky side and my desire to respect and accept other people.

I was constantly fighting my weaknesses.

But I still wanted to do what I liked. I’m not really good at standing out, but like this, singing and dancing and expressing something on stage, creating something and delivering it to people — I really enjoyed it in “Seireki. It’s a hard choice, and it’s going to be a lot of challenges for sure — after all, it’s not an easy life, it’s hard, but it’s my life, and I want to decide how I want to live it.

Still, I made up my mind. To put everything on the line, so to speak. I’ve decided to start all over again and try my best.

I don’t want to stop fighting with myself.

Mauru says that since she left Seireki13ya, she has begun to think of Komochi as a “battle companion” even more than before. It’s very motivating and inspiring for her that she also stayed in codomomental and continues to do her best.

And the opportunity to build such an unusual relationship that can’t be experienced anywhere else is also one of the reasons why Mauru decided to do group activities again. As she watched other codomomental groups perform, she says, she was dazzled by the vibrant “sense of companionship.” Still, Mauru notes, the other group members can’t be called friends. Because friends are the ones you forgive a lot of things to, but this is an activity where you have to be uncompromisingly hard on each other. And relationships in a group, especially when highly motivated and dedicated people are gathered together, can be very difficult. Although Mauru herself admits that she has grown up and become more accepting of others since leaving Seireki13ya, she still finds it difficult to communicate with people. She is the kind of person who seems to want to communicate with people but also really needs time to be alone, but she still finds such relationships fascinating and sees them as the best moments of youth.

Getting together with people, sharing a common will with them, trying our best, performing on stage – I think that’s so great. That’s why I decided to form a group again.

Trying together with companions, showing the result of our hard work to the fans and getting their support – it’s wonderful.

Mauru has already roughly determined the concept of the upcoming group. The name “SAINT ERROR” doesn’t mean anything in particular. It was chosen because it is catchy, but also because it fits the group’s sound as she sees it.

Above all, Mauru wants to create a group that reflects the dual nature of human beings.

I love people very much. But at the same time, I hate them.

There are similar contradictions in every human being, aren’t there?
Love and hate at the same time.
Still, people are complicated.
And things like that. Like, “People are beautiful, but at the same time so stupid”, that’s what I want to express.

I’ve always wanted to be close to people, people who listen to our songs, our fans. Ever since ‘Seireki’, I’ve really wanted that, so I want to express the dual nature of that kind of connection.

I want to create a group in which I can show both the beautiful and the ugly.

The choice of such a concept is also a consequence of the fact that the girl herself has especially experienced similar emotional distress of dual nature for a long time.

Although Mauru will be responsible for the creative direction of the group, she does not want to be the leader. She realizes that she will have to help her teammates a lot and lead them, but at the same time, she believes that it is very important for a leader to be able to express her feelings well, and she has certain problems with that, so she is open to giving the leadership role to someone else or not having a leader at all.

Also, Mauru is not sure if she wants to write lyrics for the group. In fact, Mauru has already worked on the lyrics for Seireki13ya’s song, which hasn’t been released yet, and although the director liked the result, Mauru is not sure if she can handle the responsibility.

The girl also doesn’t consider the new group to be an “idol”. However, she doesn’t deny the term and leaves it up to the fans to decide if they want to consider the new group an “idol”.

Mauru would like the group to have 5 or 7 members (so that the group has a center) – this is more in line with what she wants to create. She wants the group to have a strong emphasis on dancing (which will probably be difficult to achieve at first, as the new members will most likely have no relevant experience). For the same reason, the group will perform dance music. Mauru also wants the group to have rap in their music.

Nobuhide Imamura, for his part, has mentioned that some serious changes (not in a bad way) are going to happen in codomomental next March or April, and he’s trying very hard to get St.404 formed before they do. He says there will be no more big events like New Year’s Eve (at least for a while), and the akugi seems to be coming to an end. According to the director, there will be some restructuring of the company, some new things will start, and some old things will come to an end. Apparently, the director will be delegating some of his responsibilities and those of the company’s current staff to someone else. The honored members of the groups will become more prominent than the director and staff (whatever that means), and new people will take their place (again, whatever that means).

It can be assumed that this has something to do with the creation of the new “BORDER VISION” project. However, not much has been said and it’s rather vague, so we can’t make any definite assumptions. But Nobuhide Imamura says that this is the beginning of a revolution, the beginning of a new story.

My approach to management is largely up to the individual. If the person has the desire, I will do it seriously, including promotion. If there are problems with the desire, it will create difficulties for all parties involved, but if the person is able to keep going, then I can also do my best. I’m very excited about Komochi’s new ‘Seireki’ and Mauru’s St.404.

From Nobuhide Imamura’s Twitter.

The cover image of akugi’s upcoming album, “Bias-Blur”, has been revealed:

Online release events have also been announced:

January 6 at 7:30pm (JST) – Day 1
January 13 at 7:30pm (JST) – Day 2
January 19 at 7:30pm (JST) – Day 3

I got the album today.
It’s got a lot of different songs in it – fun, emotional, stylish, and those that make you want to dance involuntarily. It’s a very good album.
I’ll give it my all at the solo concert.

From marikoyu’s Twitter.

Mizutani Kazuki, one of the main writers of codomomental, wrote a song in collaboration with virtual singer Yuzuha:

This is also the musician’s first experience writing lyrics for a song.

Yuzuha distinguished herself by releasing her cover album of Zenbu Kimi no Sei da songs, which is what caught Mizutani-san’s attention. You can check out those covers here:

Mizutani Kazuki has also created a website for his digital portfolio. Interestingly, it contains information about the songs he has recorded that have not yet been released:

akugi – “origin feat. Kisaragi Megumi, Takari Takara” (Takari Takara part will be performed by Kagari Kohaku Sekai on the release);
akugi – “WEEKEND feat. Amanechi An” (Amanechi An part will be performed by Mary Lust on the release);
akugi – “Over Drive Days feat. Nonamera, Yuzuriha Ouhi” (this song will not appear on the upcoming album);
Zenbu Kimi no Sei da – “Umbrella (Shizuku Fufu Solo)” (this song will almost certainly never be released);
louplull – “Reverie Selfie” (レヴェリーセルフィー) (this seems to be the name of the group’s debut song, a fragment of which is played in the teaser);
Takari Takara – “Hankou Seimei” (反抗声明), “Natsu no Memory” (夏のメモリー), “Saihate” (最果て), “marine snow” (the fate of these songs and the fate of Takari Takara’s solo project is currently unknown).

Kodama Ema released a short cover of the popular vocaloid hit “The Vampire”:

And her debut song, “can you hear ‘A’ me,” is now available on all digital platforms:

Meanwhile, a memorial event dedicated to Yukueshirezutsurezure titled “Requiem ~ missa pro defunctis” is planned for January 2nd. It will be two years since the group disbanded. Apparently, it will just be a listening session of the group’s songs.

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