codomomental bulletin #59

Not Secured Loose Ends have launched their Instagram account. A picture of flowers expressing the characters of the members was posted on it:

On February 2nd, the group held an instalive1 where Higaminari Yuchiomi answered fans’ questions and briefly explained why they chose these flowers:

  • Ouhi’s flower is a rose. Which is also her symbol in TOKYO TEFUTEFU.
  • Yuchiomi’s flower is a dandelion. She likes that the English name of the flower contains “lion” and that the cool nature of the name is combined with its cute orange appearance.
  • Mei’s flower is an edelweiss. This flower was chosen because of its meanings in the Japanese Hanakotoba flower language, where edelweiss means “precious memories,” “courage,” “perseverance,” and “exquisite beauty.” These meanings stem from the edelweiss’s ability to survive in harsh alpine conditions, as well as the flower’s nature as a symbol of love and friendship.2
  • Megumi’s flower is a hepatica. According to the girl, she chose this flower because it is her birthday flower (in Japan, each day of the year corresponds to a specific flower. This tradition has a long history and its roots go back to Buddhism). Also, the meanings of this flower in the Hanakotoba language perfectly describe Megumi: “confidence,” “patience,” “I believe in you.” These meanings are due to its ability to bloom despite the harsh winter cold. Another of its meanings, “shyness,” comes from the fact that these flowers seem to shyly peek out from under the snow, which is also very fitting for Megumi, as she also has a shy trait about her.3

Some more facts from the livestream:

  • Yuchiomi wants to own her own bakery one day. She loves baked goods – any kind, their very existence. She is fascinated by the chemical process of baking, how the viscous dough turns into puffy buns.
  • The girl is known to have piercings and tattoos. According to her, she pierced her nose because she felt that not many people among the idols did so and she wanted to stand out. All of her tattoos have a certain idea and concept, but what they have in common is that they are all blue. And Yuchiomi was very pleased with the fact that they perfectly match ultramarine – the color of “Tsurezure.”
  • The girl wants to visit Hokkaido, and if outside Japan – Italy (because she likes Italian food).

The group’s live repertoire has also been expanded with the song “Shinjuku Cinema Connection.”4

My latest obsession is sharpening my fingernails on Megumi( ・ ̫・)

No, I won’t hurt her!5

From Mei Yui Mei’s Twitter.

I have translated some important parts of the Zenbu Kimi no Sei da talk livestream,6 where Kisaragi Megumi again touches on the reasons why “Zenkimi” went into hiatus, and also explains why she still wants the group to continue. The girl talks about what kind of place she wants “Zenkimi” to be and expresses the group’s mood for future activities. There was also talk about the audition process, how the girls feel about having to combine activities in multiple groups, what stopped Mei when she started thinking about ending her career as an artist after performing at Budokan, and more.

You know… Just because we’re laughing right now doesn’t mean we’re trying to hide something behind that laughter.

It’s something we’ve come to, trying as much as possible not to hurt anyone – there are times when we come to the realization that the best choice is to laugh. But we really think about every situation seriously.

There was another livestream on February 3rd,7 which revealed some more interesting facts about the audition process:

  • During this time, the group has already managed to hold 4 auditions.
  • There were a lot of people who attended the auditions. Megumi notes that they had to rent a room for more than 20 people. And for a while they even considered the option of having 10 members, but due to the many difficulties that working with such a large line-up would pose, they finally decided to limit themselves to 5-6. Also, according to Megumi, a lot of people who already had a lot of experience participated in the auditions.
  • At the time of the stream (February 3rd), the final lineup hadn’t been confirmed yet. They are trying out different options and evaluating how the group looks with different members, trying to find the most harmonious lineup.
  • Most likely, the new lineup will be announced before the debut show.

If you participated in the crowdfunding campaign, you can already watch a digital version of the group’s Budokan performance if you purchased the appropriate tier.

On January 24th, TOKYO TEFUTEFU released their new single “MusyokuToumeiNi.” As a reminder, the lead song was written by yowanecity (a vocaloid producer who also wrote “rinbu”). The B-side, “loopyouth,” is written by ANARCHY & UK (who wrote “single use,” “zaniness,” “houyou” and “Clown Amaryllis”). The lyrics of both songs are written by GESSHIRUI.

It’s Only Our Story.8

The concept of the release.

It is a simple love song, something that “Tefutefu” hardly had before.

We have become able to bare ourselves completely.

It’s a song we wouldn’t have been able to sing before. I will sing it so that it can reach the whole world!9

From Yuzuriha Ouhi’s Twitter.

“I Love You” – there is as much hope as despair in those 8 letters. The future we see in this world seems so bright only because you are there for us. And since that’s the case, all that’s left is for us to grasp it together, straightforward, like this.10

I’m thinking of each and every one of you who are walking side by side with me in this place on the road of life.

I will do my best to never let go of your hands, all the way to the farthest future.

Please accept these feelings ☺︎︎︎︎♡11

From Mary Lust’s Twitter.

May my “I love you” reach people all over the world.ᐟ.ᐟ

And may our feelings grow this song so that it becomes everyone’s favorite.

Fifth single. Somehow it’s even touching.

I say this every time, but I sang with all my soul.

I want you to believe in everything.

Listen to it often!12

After three years filled with so many feelings, I feel deeply how I have become able to put even more weight, even more dreams and hopes into my singing.

I want you to believe in everything: the dreams we want to realize together and my “I love you.”13

This is our story, only our story.

How far can we go?14

From Chimura Shifumi’s Twitter.

Around August, Ama Mauru suddenly disappeared from everyone’s radar. Recently, ex-Shiki Towa’s Twitter account revealed her new Instagram account,15 where she apologized for her sudden disappearance and said that she has found another purpose for herself and will most likely no longer perform on stage and will rarely appear online.16


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