codomomental bulletin #68

Seireki13ya held another series of individual livestreams,1 and below I have tried to compile the most interesting facts that were mentioned during them. I have also mixed in facts from a rather old series of livestreams (last autumn),2 3 4 which Kisaragi Megumi conducted with each of the members of codomomental (which I didn’t have time to cover back then).

Let’s start with Nene Komochi:

  • According to her own admission, she had terrible attendance in high school, and therefore has a rather meager experience of school life.
  • The first “Zenkimi” song Komochi heard was “Neojealous Melochaos.” The first “Zenkimi” concert she attended was the release event for the single “MudaiGasshou” (the title song of which captivated her so much that she became a fan of the group).
  • As is well known, she loves Pokémon. Her favorite Pokémon is Volcanion. Komochi admires its cool nature, and moreover, it is her role model. This Pokémon gave her the strength of spirit in times when she was struggling.

The unwavering determination to protect something is what I inherited from Volcanion.

So, because Volcanion was with me, because I met Volcanion, the desire to protect “Seireki” became something natural for me.

This straightforwardness of mine in regards to what I love is what I inherited from Volcanion.

  • Of all Seireki13ya songs, Komochi likes “sekaisengoto” the most.

What is my favorite “Seireki” song?

Actually, my answer is always the same: my most favorite song is “sekaisengoto.” Thanks to this song, how should I say… Not that I “overcame various difficulties” – that’s not the only reason, but “sekaisengoto” gave me such an incredible amount of courage and strength that, no matter how much time passes, “sekaisengoto” will always be my most favorite song. Rather, all the songs are important to me, I love them all, but this one is special to me.

  • She also shared her impression of Soani.

First of all, when I ask Soa something, she always immediately gives me a direct and honest answer.

She really has her firm convictions, she is sincere and loves “Seireki” very much, but at the same time she is very funny. How should I say, a little absent-minded.

Uh, Urari and Minai also have this a lot… How should I say, after all, we were born on different planets, we come from different constellations, and so often it feels like: “Ah, after all, we are from different planets,” but, how should I say… Surely, the planet on which Soa was born is the closest to mine. I kind of feel that way.

  • Komochi is very satisfied and looks at the future of the current lineup with great positivity.

Yes, three such wonderful members have joined “Seireki” and they are working so hard.

At just the thought of this, tears come to my eyes.

  • The highest goal Komochi sets for Seireki13ya is to perform in space.

By the way, here’s another thing the girl recently crocheted herself:

And now Yui Urari:

But first, I suggest you watch the translation of her individual livestream, which took place on the eve of the debut of the new “Seireki” lineup.5 I could try to describe it to you somehow, but this stream turned out to be so impressively touching, sincere, and heartfelt that I simply have no words. I guarantee you: even if you followed Urari before, you can’t imagine how deeply she will reveal herself to you in this video. If you are still doubting whether to support her, just watch it to the end:

And now let’s move on to other facts:

  • Urari is attracted to both boys and girls.
  • On September 10, 2023, Urari and Minai “got married and divorced on the same day.”
  • She has two brothers – younger and older, but they are “like younger sisters” to her.
  • Urari is not afraid of dying – she is curious about what will happen to her afterward.
  • She wouldn’t mind turning into a baby.
  • Urari shared what she wants her upcoming solo song to be like.

I liked the album MythEpoc so much that I listened to it constantly. I listened to it at school and during breaks at my part-time jobs to recharge and become more energetic. So I want my solo song to also be able to energize people and lift their spirits.

  • She expressed a desire to perform the song “Face2” with the new lineup – a song with lyrics by Nene Komochi, which express her feelings towards the group incredibly straightforwardly.

Recently, before the debut of the new lineup, we had Instagram livestreams, right? And then, watching Komochi’s livestream, I was so touched, and when it ended, I immediately listened to “Face2,” and I was once again filled with the desire to perform it no matter what. I was so overwhelmed with emotions, and of course, I cried. After all, this song is filled with all your precious memories, and we love it too, so it is a very important song.

  • Urari is very much looking forward to upcoming codomomental joint events, despite the fact that, according to her, she has always been inclined to solitude.

I love the events that we hold with all of codomomental. After all, our senpais are there with us, and now the newcomers will also be present. And people who love all codomomental groups come to these events. It’s such a happy space.

I love festivals when everyone is together – it’s great. It’s more fun together with everyone. It used to be important for me to spend time alone, but since joining codomomental, I’ve really come to enjoy being with everyone.

As a child, I often read books or played alone, but in codomomental, everyone is so wonderful, so filled with love, that being with them makes me feel so happy.

  • As a bonus for pre-ordering tickets to the concert dedicated to her birthday, Urari is preparing handmade headbands with wobbling antennas, which allow Earthlings to become one of the inhabitants of the Evening Waiting constellation. According to Urari, its inhabitants have antennas of various colors on their heads, through which they communicate. For this reason, it was quite difficult for her to learn Japanese after arriving on Earth, as she didn’t know how to speak before.
  • Urari is very serious about writing lyrics for the group.

I believe that to write good lyrics, you need to have a pure soul. So I try to cultivate my heart every day so that when the opportunity arises, I can write lyrics that will resonate in people’s hearts.

  • She also shared her impressions of Soani.

You know, Soa-chan is so diligent. She firmly grasps everything by the next practice. And she always asks if something is unclear to her. She is so cute and such a good girl!

  • It is known that she is interested in picture books, and lately, she has been rereading “Momo, or the strange story of the time-thieves and the child who brought the stolen time back to the people” (Michael Ende). It’s a book she read as a child. Recently, she enjoys rereading books from her childhood, as naturally, they are perceived completely differently with age.

Later it was announced that this winter Urari will release her own picture book titled “When I’m with you, I become myself.” Naturally, she will be responsible for both the text and the illustrations.6

As merch at her birthday show, items featuring illustrations from the book, as well as introductions of its characters, will already be available.

You can also check out this short clip on Twitter where Komochi and Minai give Urari a birthday present, which they managed to forget to do during a livestream that day:

I was born on this day! Thank you all.

You know, my aspirations for this year are full of love, but I recently realized that I am also part of this starry sky filled with love.

Sometimes I doubt whether my presence makes others happier, and if you also worry and have doubts because of this, it makes me sad. So, you know, it’s not that it’s wrong, but I realized that you can’t think that way all the time.

I realized this thanks to you.

Thank you so much.

So I will always be by your side and make you happy!7

From Yui Urari’s Twitter.

And now Yowa Minai:

  • Minai almost never did her homework in school; she was in a troubled class that “drove their homeroom teacher to gray hair.”
  • Her room is not tidy: clothes, documents, and empty drink bottles are scattered everywhere.
  • Minai’s hobby is watching YouTube. She especially loves watching Werewolf (Mafia) games.
  • She loves shoujo manga, a passion inherited from her older sister. As a child, she often snuck into her sister’s room and read her favorite works, and as a result, Minai is, in her own words, familiar with almost all the classics (but not very much with modern stuff).
  • She likes the band Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas. It is known that this band gained fame with their openings for the anime Kaiji, with which Minai is naturally also familiar, since it also involves various psychological games in the spirit of Mafia. She expressed a desire to play something similar with the group.
  • Recently, she got into Attack on Titan and, accordingly, the music from this anime, which she constantly hums, so much so that it got stuck even in the director’s head.

As for the Kiri Soani’s livestream and the whole group’s livestream held afterward, they turned out to be so funny and interesting that I will try to translate them almost entirely later.

Unfortunately, at the moment, Soani had to take a break from the group activities due to family circumstances.

Hello to all our “Night Minions,” long time no see.

This is Soani.

As has already been announced, there is a turmoil at my home right now, so I had to suddenly take a break. I’m sorry.

But my feelings of love for “seireki” and my desire to work hard here have not changed at all, I will definitely come back, so please don’t forget about me and wait for me. I am looking forward to seeing you all again.


From Kiri Soani’s Twitter.

Recently, the group released the cover of their upcoming album, which, as expected, has been renamed to “metonymy 13 parallel.”

futatsuna launched an interesting themed lottery where the seven heavens from Jewish mythology correspond to various prizes of increasing value (the main ones being stylish handmade plush toys by the members themselves), and the eight Buddhist hot hells correspond to punishments (like a slap in the face, a painted face, having to splurge on another cheki, or, the most harmless, a tweet promoting the group).

The group has also started performing a cover of “a fact of life” by the Japanese post-hardcore band Fact at concerts.9

Yesterday, I attended the first day of the TOKYO TEFUTEFU TRANCEBULLET MOTOGURUU TOUR.

No matter how many times I watch the senpai’s performances, they always captivate me; it’s always fun, but each performance is always different from the others.

They manage to reach every person in the audience, which is touching and captivating.

I will work hard to also become capable of confidently delivering my performances to each of you, people, and to get a step closer to their level!10

From Tsukumo “St. Lightning Beast” Romi’s Twitter.

On June 18th, USOTSUKINAISHO held their first talk livestream,11 which I will also try to translate among other things.

Thanks to the support of many people, I have the present, and every time I see your smiles and feel the warmth, I realize that life is great. I am so happy to be surrounded by such wonderful senpais, fans, and many other involved people! I also want to become a person who can bring happiness to people. I will work hard! I won’t stop🔥12

It’s been two months since my debut❕

Music has supported me all my life; it has saved me many times in difficult and tough moments. Thanks to the support of many people, I can be here now, and therefore I want to become a support for someone and bring happiness to people!🕊️🍀

I will work hard every day so that I can confidently say that life is great! Even more than now!

Thank you for everything. I hope for your support in the future! ᐡ ̳ᴗ ̫ ᴗ ̳ᐡ♡13 14

From Tademaru Ichiren’s Twitter.

Hello everyone¨♡¨

Yesterday, I went to the theater✨

Although they do something completely different, I was very moved by how beautiful and expressive their performances on stage wereㅠ ̫ㅠ

I also want to become someone who can touch everyone from the stageꔛෆ

What things touch you?✿◔‿◔✿

Also, the classic costumes from the 1800s left a huge impression on me❁︎15 16

From Ema Amajiki’s Twitter.

Yesterday (June 22) marked a year since I first met Meyuyu and O-HI, and back then I was still the wild Yuchi and didn’t talk to everyone, but I remember Meyuyu quietly muttering to me as we parted: “You’re an interesting person…”(˘ਊ˘) ~A year has passed since then~17

Recently, I’ve started calling myself “Yuchupichu,” “Yuchipichi,” or “Yupichipi.”
You can call me that too: “Yuchu-Pichu!”18

From Higaminari Yuchiomi’s Twitter.

My goal for 2024 is “to read books.” There’s only half a year left, and I’ve only read about 10 pages. Ugh..19

From Yuzuriha Ouhi’s Twitter.

Today I heard a girl taking a selfie say: “Let’s go, here’s ‘Hi no Hikari’ (the light of the Sun)~🎶,” and my heart skipped a beat❕❕❕20

From Hino Hikari’s Twitter.


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