GESSHIRUI – “Even though I don’t want to hurt anyone, I want to protect the leaders” (August 2024)

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Recently, I, GESSHIRUI, have been writing articles here on this platform. Usually, I use my free time to update the page and write articles for future publications, but today I decided to try dedicating time specifically for this post.

Today, I want to talk about the leaders of the girl groups of codomomental INC.

Before this, I decided for myself that I would write about songs, thought about which one exactly I should write about next, torn between options, distracted by other tasks… But this time, I decided to write about the leaders because being a leader is not an easy task. My words may not fully convey this, but in reality, I truly, from the bottom of my heart, believe that it is one of the most important and difficult roles. Currently, there are six groups in codomomental INC: Zenbu Kimi no Sei da, Seireki13ya, TOKYO TEFUTEFU, Not Secured, Loose Ends, futatsuna, and USOTSUKINAISHO. KAQRIYOTERROR is currently on hiatus, and it was also recently announced that Hashibata Kanari will be producing a new group within the company, which will be called USHIMITSU. I hope that by the end of this year, there will be some progress with KAQRIYOTERROR because creating something for KAQRIYOTERROR is always a lot of fun. Not to belittle the other groups, but for KAQRIYOTERROR, I can create something without bearing any burden.

Since we currently have 6 groups, we correspondingly have 6 leaders. Although there will be many photos, I would like to introduce them all in detail:

Kisaragi Megumi (Zenbu Kimi no Sei da, Not Secured, Loose Ends)
Nene Komochi (Seireki13ya, Zenbu Kimi no Sei da)
Yuzuriha Ouhi (TOKYO TEFUTEFU, Not Secured, Loose Ends)
Mei Yui Mei (Not Secured, Loose Ends, Zenbu Kimi no Sei da)
Chimura “Nine Curse Bullet” Shifumi (futatsuna, TOKYO TEFUTEFU)
Tademaru Ichiren (USOTSUKINAISHO)

Note: I am writing this article because I want to praise Tademaru Ichiren (this is half-joking, half-serious).

These six individuals are currently the leaders of their respective groups. We even have a group chat in LINE where the leaders discuss various work issues. The content of this chat is very amusing: they usually ask the director to buy something (like office supplies or things necessary for creating pre-order bonuses, so there’s nothing surprising about that). And during major events, when all the groups come together, it’s the leaders who play a key role in organizing and conducting the events. codomomental is a place where each group has its own financial independence, so leaders must think about and implement different things not only in terms of singing and dancing but also in many other areas. I’m straying from the topic, but Mary Lust and Kagari Kohaku Sekai from TOKYO TEFUTEFU work almost as leaders.

Surprisingly, it seems that being a leader these days has become unprofitable. Or maybe it always was. It just became more obvious now. Perhaps manga and anime also played no small role in this. What I often hear at auditions is: “Even if it doesn’t necessarily mean being a leader, I don’t want to be in the center, I want to be somewhere on the side and be mature/mysterious/pale/cute.” Almost everyone says something like that. And, so to speak, I perfectly understand why they say that. Being a leader is really unprofitable. If something goes wrong, insensitive people who know nothing immediately blame the leader. I’ve seen more than once how even the members themselves, without thinking about how the leader feels, trample on their feelings. Leaders cannot afford to think only about themselves because they are responsible for the whole group, and that’s why, to those who are not burdened with such responsibility, they may seem “annoying.” Essentially, the leader must coordinate everyone’s work, and therefore often has to interfere in the work of each member, down to the smallest details.

I want to note that there are no strict rules in codomomental regarding what a leader should be like. The distinguishing characteristics of a group only become clear after some time has passed, and most importantly, they change depending on the current members. Even if the same person continues to be the leader, that person will change depending on the current members. No one remains unchanged. Additionally, each leader definitely has their strengths and weaknesses, but overall, we believe that everyone should use their personal qualities to fulfill this role. The following will touch on sensitive issues, so please read only if you truly want to. I warn you, there may be some unpleasant moments.

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