GESSHIRUI – “Those who support Kagari Kohaku Sekai are bound to be happy” (September 2024)

I think there are two main types of people you select during auditions. The first is when you immediately feel something in a person and say, “Found her!” The second is when you think, “Maybe she would fit this group.” While the first option may sound more appealing at first, in reality, it feels like people of the second type tend to stay with us longer. Though that’s just my personal impression. That’s why the producer almost never says, “I’ve found such an amazing person!” In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say anything like that. Why this happens—I might explain below or in another article, but for now, let’s get back to the topic. Besides these two categories, there is yet another one—people who don’t fit into either.

Lately, I’ve wanted to balance writing articles with working on projects, but it seems I’m not that skilled. With my current approach—where I try to create something while also consuming information at the same time—it’s especially difficult. I write about 2,000 characters and leave them as drafts, intending to build up a collection of articles, but when the right moment comes to finalize them, I suddenly realize: “Ah, maybe I don’t really want to write about this after all.” So there’s a high chance that these 2,000-character articles will die off one by one. I hate my own nature.

Well, today I want to talk about “eclipse,” a solo song by Kagari Kohaku Sekai from TOKYO TEFUTEFU’s EP of solo songs, “IIIIly.”

TOKYO TEFUTEFU was formed, I believe, in late 2020. And among the members at the time, Kagari Kohaku Sekai particularly stood out because of her unusual name. When I first saw her, I thought, “I see…” even though I didn’t actually understand what exactly I was seeing (laughs). This might come as a surprise to some, but when the producer chooses names for the members (this also applies to song titles), he’s not trying to show off at all—often, they emerge quite naturally. You might be surprised, and I know people say they can’t read most of the codomomental members’ names or song titles, but we actually approach this with sincere feelings. And often, when you line them up, they seem quite normal. But even among all that, her name stood out blatantly. People often ask where her last name ends and her first name begins, but at some point, I stopped wondering about it. Somehow, it started to feel silly (laughs). Well, the following text is for those who are genuinely interested.

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