Motochika Kasane – “I’m scared, too” (January 2023)

Hello, everyone!

This time I, Kasane-chan, am in charge of the column “Zenbu Kimi no Sei da – Strangenesses are the norm”. The next issue (hard to believe) will be the last one, which means that I’m in charge of the semifinal issue!

This is a column I’ve been writing since I joined Zenbu Kimi no Sei da, so I’ve been involuntarily approaching it in a particularly heartfelt way, and looking back, I of course talked about my gluttony and picky eating nature, but I also talked about how I forget to pay my utility bills and so on, and it turns out that I really have been telling it how it really is the whole time. Yeah. Well, let’s raise the bar a little bit today, then! How about a talk about my life? A heart-to-heart talk?

First of all, I don’t think this activity is anything normal, but I don’t think it’s strange either. I digress, but… Yes, to put it into words, I consider this activity to be something special. After all, it is my life. Sometimes I go back to my hometown, get in a daze, and a sudden feeling of loneliness and emptiness comes over me – those are the moments when I hurriedly try to open Twitter. I don’t know, I guess a resting place for me = loneliness! At times like this, I suddenly start thinking about what would happen if I couldn’t perform on stage anymore. Like, I’ll probably go crazy. Oh, one of my favorite sayings is “If there’s a beginning, there’s an end” – it came to my mind in elementary school, at a time when I hated playing soccer. There’s a similar saying – “You’ll think it was fun when it’s over.” That’s a purely personal saying of mine, but it’s true! These two sayings are pretty useful in life, so I think you should remember them. That’s a bit of a different topic, but getting back to the point, everything that has a beginning has to end sometime, and if you think about it, everything is fleeting, and that’s why it’s fun! That’s what I’m trying to say! Nothing is everlasting, but wouldn’t you like to surround yourself with the things you love as long as you live, and live in peace? And what I love right now is “Zenkimi” and you, and so when I lose you, I start to lose my mind. After the announcement of the indefinite hiatus after Budokan, I’ve seen all your tweets, and seen all your tears after the shows, and I want to say, I feel the same way, I’m scared, too. So I’m thinking more and more about treasuring the present and keeping on living! If I keep on living, I will definitely be able to meet you again. I will stay with you no matter what happens. After all, I’m eating my cheeks off thinking of you! I really love you so much! To the point of strangeness! And I hope you will continue to support the selfish me, the kind of child who needs your attention all the time. Thank you for everything.

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