Nonamera – “I didn’t want to show that side of me” (June 10, 2022)

I am Nonamera. I am active as a solo artist and I am also in a group called KAQRIYOTERROR. I have been doing this kind of activity since I was about 17 years old, and at first I just wanted to do something – it was in high school, and then I probably didn’t even care what it was, really. Even though I went to school like everyone else, I was immediately fascinated by Tokyo, and I constantly went there every week to have fun. Just because I wanted to do something, and I didn’t care what it was, I couldn’t decide, and then rumors started flying around about me going on “paid dates,” because I went to Tokyo every week. I thought, “What a little world this is, they’re already spreading rumors for no reason,” and I decided that I needed to get out of here, I needed to take things into my own hands and go somewhere else. And after that, of course, you start digging around on the Internet, looking for stuff, and then I found what I needed.

But I’ve always liked music, my dad always liked Eiichi Ohtaki, but everyone else’s dad was listening to something like EXILE in the car, and I was wondering why my dad listened to such, it might be rude to say so, but old-fashioned music, but now I think he was a very cultured person. And that’s how I heard the band Happy End, then I learned about Haruomi Hosono, about YMO, and then my uncle told me a lot of things, and I got even deeper into it all: I learned that you can create music not only with musical instruments, that you can create songs using different sounds, and my uncle, with whom we communicated very well then, told me about Kraftwerk – so I was initiated into electronic music, and then I learned about how the foreign band Matmos used samples recorded during surgery in their songs, and I was amazed at these endless possibilities and started sampling myself. Not at all to say that I was listening to what they call everyone’s favorite music, but it was something in the spirit of hardcore.

I thought that I wanted to be involved in music forever, and when I left avandoned, where I was still doing music, I tried my hand at theater and I did a little bit of film work too, but in the end I thought that it should be music, and I contacted my current agency, but I didn’t audition at all – I asked to be interviewed myself.

In my solo work, I get quite dark – not that on purpose – so to speak, I feel like I can let out these dark traits of mine here and it’s very important to me. And in my group, KAQRIYOTERROR, I always had a bright side, so I thought I always had to be very bright, and at one point I just couldn’t deal with my dark side, I felt bad and I ran away from the group. I was always trying to be cool, I didn’t want to show that side of me. But now I feel like I keep a really good balance.

My main goal is… Speaking about KAQRIYOTERROR, of course I want to be on big stages with everyone and for us to be a successful group – I ran away from the group once already, so I think now I need to reach the very end, and as for my solo activities, all of them, simply put, are the realization of my desire to always be involved in music. I love quite a variety of music, and doing it like that, it’s still important for me to convey to people what I want to express to them, and I hope that I will be able to make a living on my own.

Count on me!

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